Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sugar Intake Prevention in 5 Days

  1. Some people just love to eat "Chocolate" and some people love to eat sweets of any kind. Sugar cravings are real. Have you ever felt yourself wanting to eat desserts and cake varieties all day long? How about craving something sweet, but can't figure out what you want so you try several kinds in a matter of minutes?

    Your body knows what it is doing. When a craving hits you, you want a fix such as a person that needs that smoke after a meal of chocolate delight pudding dessert. Even though people try to kick a bad habit, some cravings are hard to stop even when you are determined to stop it. A sugar craving is a hard habit to break.

    Many people go cold-turkey when they decide to give up sugar. Our grocery store shelves are filled with foods that hide the word "sugar" in them. What do we believe on the label?
  2. I once heard a person say---"Foods made by God are good, Foods made by man are bad." I wonder if we ate more fresh fruits and vegetables if we would notice a difference in our health. Would we stop the sugar cravings? Would we feel better? Would we notice a difference? I think we would!

    How do you stop the cravings for sugar? Does it mean no sugar at all or some sugar sometimes? You will discover a plan to stop that hold that sugar has over 


    1. Drink plenty of water. (Helps to flush the sugar out)

    2. Attitude is everything. Keep a positive mental attitude.

    3. Put foods in your refrigerator that are healthy for you

    and easy to snack on. (fruits, vegetables).

    4. Learn about the 5 days to detox your body of the cravings.

    5. Find a friend or partner to be accountable too.

    6. Be honest with yourself.

    7. Don't give up, you are worth it.

    I know how it feels to be so addicted to sugar that I thought eating fruits and 
    vegetables were awful. Now things have changed....I love salads. The good 
    stuff does taste good. When I was on a sugar high, I would be full of energy for about 10 minutes, then I would get depressed and want to take a nap. I found a simple system to stop my cravings for sugar and get my life back on track.

    I was addicted to sweets and had a hard time changing until I changed my mind. 
    My thoughts were so focused on not eating sweets that I craved them daily. I started 
    by changing my thoughts.

    How? Each time I thought about cookies, cakes and sweets, I would change the picture in my mind to a healthy food...for example: I would see a picture of myself eating a nice big sugar cookie...I would immediately change the picture of myself to eating a nice juicy peach and the juice would be dripping down my chin. I learned to love natural foods.
  3. How to Overcome Dessert and Sugar Cravings
  4. learn how to overcome the need to eat desserts after dinner and how to reduce your cravings for sugar.

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